1/16/24 Transphysical-Transitioning in my body through time. Previous LL PSYCHO TAPE 1 0601 Next Lisa Levy Wins Miss Subways 2017 w @baratunde Thurston + PRESS LINKS in Description) You Might Also Like Psychotherapy LIVE! at Fez with Dr. Lisa Dr. Lisa's version of The Armory Show 2010 Dr. Lisa interviews artists at Bravo's Work of Art open call MarchonWash8 Lisa Levy Wins $83,000 for Hebrew National ad campaign
1/16/24 Transphysical-Transitioning in my body through time. Previous LL PSYCHO TAPE 1 0601 Next Lisa Levy Wins Miss Subways 2017 w @baratunde Thurston + PRESS LINKS in Description) You Might Also Like Psychotherapy LIVE! at Fez with Dr. Lisa Dr. Lisa's version of The Armory Show 2010 Dr. Lisa interviews artists at Bravo's Work of Art open call MarchonWash8 Lisa Levy Wins $83,000 for Hebrew National ad campaign