1/16/24 Lisa Levy does Psychotherapy for Scranton Swing State Voters Previous Lisa Levy's asks Santa for a Christmas present Next Commercial for 2000 FLUSHES starring Lisa Levy You Might Also Like My Kid Could've Done That Artist David Kramer takes to Gallery Beat's Dr. Lisa's couch to discuss his 9 year old son. Dr. Lisa interviews artists at Bravo's Work of Art open call Lisa Levy Shops for Oscar Gowns Jay Thomas 2.11.16
1/16/24 Lisa Levy does Psychotherapy for Scranton Swing State Voters Previous Lisa Levy's asks Santa for a Christmas present Next Commercial for 2000 FLUSHES starring Lisa Levy You Might Also Like My Kid Could've Done That Artist David Kramer takes to Gallery Beat's Dr. Lisa's couch to discuss his 9 year old son. Dr. Lisa interviews artists at Bravo's Work of Art open call Lisa Levy Shops for Oscar Gowns Jay Thomas 2.11.16